Example Usage

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.projections.polar import PolarAxes
from matplotlib.projections import register_projection
from IPython.display import display
from elections import models as election_models
from parliaments import models as parliament_models
from proceedings import models as proceeding_models
from django_extensions.db.fields.json import JSONDict
from collections import OrderedDict
from federal_common.sources import EN, FR
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from IPython.display import HTML
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import math
import numpy as np
import os

def columns_reorder_left(dataframe, columns):
    unmentioned = [column for column in dataframe.columns if column not in columns]
    dataframe = dataframe[columns + unmentioned]
    return dataframe

def columns_reorder_after(dataframe, pairs):
    columns = list(dataframe.columns)
    for left, right in pairs.items():
        columns.insert(columns.index(left) + 1, right)
    return dataframe[columns]

dataframe_json_mapper = {
    "government_party": "Library of Parliament, History of Federal Ridings",
    "party": "Library of Parliament, History of Federal Ridings",
    "province": "Library of Parliament, Province / Territory File",
    "riding": "Library of Parliament, History of Federal Ridings",
    "parliamentarian": "Library of Parliament, Parliament File",

def get_dataframe(qs, mapping, index=None):
    mapping = OrderedDict(mapping)
    qs = qs.objects.all() if isinstance(qs, ModelBase) else qs
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame(
            k: v.get(EN, {}).get(dataframe_json_mapper[k.split("__")[-2]], "") if isinstance(v, dict) else v
            for k, v in row_dict.items()
        for row_dict in qs.values(*[
            key[0] if isinstance(key, tuple) else key
            for key in mapping.keys()
    dataframe = columns_reorder_left(dataframe, list(mapping.keys()))
    dataframe.rename(columns=mapping, inplace=True)
    if index:
        dataframe = dataframe.set_index(index)
    dataframe = dataframe.sort_index()
    return dataframe

def select_by_index(dataframe, indexes):
    indexer = [slice(None)] * len(dataframe.index.names)
    for key, value in indexes.items():
        indexer[dataframe.index.names.index(key)] = value
    if len(indexer) > 1:
        return dataframe.loc[tuple(indexer), :]
        return dataframe.loc[tuple(indexer)]

def radar_factory(num_vars, frame='circle'):
    """Create a radar chart with `num_vars` axes."""
    # calculate evenly-spaced axis angles
    theta = 2 * np.pi * np.linspace(0, 1 - 1. / num_vars, num_vars)
    # rotate theta such that the first axis is at the top
    theta += np.pi / 2

    def draw_poly_frame(self, x0, y0, r):
        # TODO: use transforms to convert (x, y) to (r, theta)
        verts = [(r * np.cos(t) + x0, r * np.sin(t) + y0) for t in theta]
        return plt.Polygon(verts, closed=True, edgecolor='k')

    def draw_circle_frame(self, x0, y0, r):
        return plt.Circle((x0, y0), r)

    frame_dict = {'polygon': draw_poly_frame, 'circle': draw_circle_frame}
    if frame not in frame_dict:
        raise ValueError('unknown value for `frame`: %s' % frame)

    class RadarAxes(PolarAxes):
        """Class for creating a radar chart (a.k.a. a spider or star chart)
        name = 'radar'
        # use 1 line segment to connect specified points
        RESOLUTION = 1
        # define draw_frame method
        draw_frame = frame_dict[frame]

        def fill(self, *args, **kwargs):
            """Override fill so that line is closed by default"""
            closed = kwargs.pop('closed', True)
            return super(RadarAxes, self).fill(closed=closed, *args, **kwargs)

        def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
            """Override plot so that line is closed by default"""
            lines = super(RadarAxes, self).plot(*args, **kwargs)
            for line in lines:

        def _close_line(self, line):
            x, y = line.get_data()
            # FIXME: markers at x[0], y[0] get doubled-up
            if x[0] != x[-1]:
                x = np.concatenate((x, [x[0]]))
                y = np.concatenate((y, [y[0]]))
                line.set_data(x, y)

        def set_varlabels(self, labels):
            self.set_thetagrids(theta * 180 / np.pi, labels)

        def _gen_axes_patch(self):
            x0, y0 = (0.5, 0.5)
            r = 0.5
            return self.draw_frame(x0, y0, r)

    return theta

def display_toggler(button="Click to toggle"):
    return HTML("""
            function toggle_cell(event) {{
                $(event ? event.target : ".toggler")
                    .toggle(event ? undefined : false)
            $(document).ready(setTimeout(toggle_cell, 0))
        <p><button class="toggler" onClick="javascript:toggle_cell(event)">{}</button></p>

display_toggler("Click to toggle the display the initializing scripts")

In [2]:
elections = get_dataframe(election_models.GeneralElection, {
    "number": "Election",
    "date": "Date",
    "population": "Population",
    "registered": "Registered",
    "ballots_total": "Ballots (Total)",
    "parliament__seats": "Seats",
    "parliament__government_party__names": "Party",
}, ["Election"])
elections['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(elections['Date'])  # TODO: Why isn't this happening automatically?
ridings = get_dataframe(election_models.ElectionRiding.objects.filter(general_election__isnull=False), {
    "general_election__number": "Election",
    "general_election__date": "Election: Date",
    "riding__province__names": "Province",
    "riding__names": "Riding",
    "population": "Population",
    "registered": "Registered",
    "ballots_rejected": "Ballots (Rejected)"
}, ["Election", "Province", "Riding"])
ridings['Election: Date'] = pd.to_datetime(ridings['Election: Date'])
candidates = get_dataframe(election_models.ElectionCandidate.objects.filter(election_riding__general_election__isnull=False), {
    "election_riding__general_election__number": "Election",
    "election_riding__general_election__date": "Election: Date",
    "election_riding__riding__province__names": "Province",
    "election_riding__riding__names": "Riding",
    "name": "Candidate",
    "party__names": "Party",
    "party__color": "Party: Color",
    "election_riding__population": "Riding: Population",
    "election_riding__registered": "Riding: Registered",
    "ballots": "Ballots",
    "elected": "Elected",
    "acclaimed": "Acclaimed",
}, ["Election", "Province", "Riding", "Candidate"])
candidates['Election: Date'] = pd.to_datetime(candidates['Election: Date'])
house_vote_participants = get_dataframe(proceeding_models.HouseVoteParticipant.objects.all(), {
    "house_vote__sitting__session__parliament__number": "Parliament",
    "house_vote__sitting__session__number": "Session",
    "house_vote__sitting__number": "Sitting",
    "house_vote__number": "Vote",
    "party__names": "Party",
    "parliamentarian__names": "Parliamentarian",
    "recorded_vote": "Parliamentarian: Vote",
}, ["Parliament", "Session", "Sitting", "Vote", "Party", "Parliamentarian"])
house_vote_participants = house_vote_participants.reset_index().fillna("Independent").set_index(house_vote_participants.index.names)

# Some ridings historically had two seats (Halifax, Victoria, etc). For the purposes of
# calculating voter turnout, we need to define a fractional ballot where a voter's single
# ballot is split in half between two candidates.
ridings = ridings.join(candidates[candidates["Elected"] | candidates["Acclaimed"]].reset_index().groupby(ridings.index.names)["Candidate"].count().to_frame())
ridings = ridings.rename(columns={"Candidate": "Seats"})
candidates = candidates.reset_index().set_index(ridings.index.names).join(ridings["Seats"]).reset_index().set_index(candidates.index.names)
candidates["Ballots (Fractional)"] = candidates["Ballots"] / candidates["Seats"]
del candidates["Seats"]

parties = candidates.reset_index().groupby(["Election", "Party"]).agg({
    "Election: Date": "first",
    'Candidate': 'count',
    'Ballots (Fractional)': 'sum',
    'Elected': 'sum',
    'Acclaimed': 'sum',
    'Party: Color': 'first',
    'Candidate': 'Candidates',
    'Ballots (Fractional)': 'Ballots',
    "Party: Color": "Color",
parties["Seats"] = parties["Elected"] + parties["Acclaimed"]
del parties["Elected"]
del parties["Acclaimed"]

# Augment elections with winning party data
elections = elections.reset_index().set_index(parties.index.names).join(parties, rsuffix=" (Party)").reset_index().set_index(elections.index.names).rename(columns={
    'Candidates': 'Party: Candidates',
    'Ballots': 'Party: Ballots',
    'Color': 'Party: Color',
    'Seats (Party)': "Party: Seats",
del elections["Election: Date"]
elections = columns_reorder_after(elections, {
    "Seats": "Party",

# Copy valid ballots per candidate up to the ridings level
ridings = ridings.join(candidates.reset_index().groupby(ridings.index.names)["Ballots (Fractional)"].sum().to_frame())
ridings = ridings.rename(columns={"Ballots (Fractional)": "Ballots (Valid)"})
ridings = columns_reorder_after(ridings, {"Ballots (Valid)": "Ballots (Rejected)"})

# Copy winning candidate up to the ridings level
ridings_winning_parties = candidates[candidates["Elected"] == True].reset_index().set_index(ridings.index.names)
ridings = ridings.join(ridings_winning_parties[["Candidate", "Party", "Party: Color", "Ballots"]])
ridings = ridings.rename(columns={
    "Candidate": "Elected: Name",
    "Ballots": "Elected: Ballots",
    "Party": "Elected: Party",
    "Color": "Elected: Color",

# Copy valid ballots per riding back down to the ridings level
candidates = candidates.reset_index().set_index(ridings.index.names).join(
    ridings.reset_index().groupby(ridings.index.names).agg({"Ballots (Valid)": "first"})
candidates = columns_reorder_after(candidates, {"Riding: Registered": "Ballots (Valid)"})
candidates = candidates.rename(columns={
    "Ballots (Valid)": "Riding: Ballots (Valid)",

# Copy valid ballots per riding up to the elections level
elections_ballot_sums = ridings.reset_index().groupby(ridings.index.names).agg({"Ballots (Valid)": "first"}).reset_index().groupby(["Election"])["Ballots (Valid)"].sum().to_frame()
elections = elections.join(elections_ballot_sums)
elections = columns_reorder_after(elections, {"Ballots (Total)": "Ballots (Valid)"})

# Augment parties with election level data
elections["Party: Ballot %"] = elections["Party: Ballots"] / elections["Ballots (Valid)"]
elections["Party: Seat %"] = elections["Party: Seats"] / elections["Seats"]
parties["Seat %"] = parties["Seats"] / elections["Seats"]
parties["Vote %"] = parties["Ballots"] / elections["Ballots (Valid)"]
parties["Seat % - Vote %"] = parties["Seat %"] - parties["Vote %"]
parties["Seat % / Vote %"] = parties["Seat %"] / parties["Vote %"]
candidates["Ballot %"] = candidates["Ballots"] / candidates["Riding: Ballots (Valid)"]

display_toggler("Click to toggle the display the data initialization")

Raw data

Note that there are some hiccups in the raw data one might not expect.

  • Until the 28th general election of 1968, ridings were sometimes represented by two MPs (e.g. Halifax). These were later split into multiple ridings.
  • Until the 24th general election of 1958, some candidates won by acclaimation, not by election (e.g. Lionel Bertrand). That is to say, they ran unopposed and therefore had no ballots cast in their favour.

These peculiarities should be kept in mind when generating aggregate statistics. For simplicity, let's define "_28plus" suffixed dataframes.

In [3]:
elections["Registered / Population"] = elections["Registered"] / elections["Population"]
elections["Ballots / Population"] = elections["Ballots (Valid)"] / elections["Population"]
elections["Ballots / Registered"] = elections["Ballots (Valid)"] / elections["Registered"]

elections_28plus = select_by_index(elections, {"Election": slice(28, None)})
candidates_28plus = select_by_index(candidates, {"Election": slice(28, None)})
parties_28plus = select_by_index(parties, {"Election": slice(28, None)})
ridings_28plus = select_by_index(ridings, {"Election": slice(28, None)})
del candidates_28plus["Acclaimed"]
del candidates_28plus["Ballots (Fractional)"]
del ridings_28plus["Seats"]


In [4]:
Date Population Registered Ballots (Total) Ballots (Valid) Seats Party Party: Candidates Party: Ballots Party: Color Party: Seats Party: Ballot % Party: Seat % Registered / Population Ballots / Population Ballots / Registered
38 2004-06-28 30007094 22466621 13683570 13564702.0 308 Liberal 308 4982220.0 #EA6D6A 135.0 0.367293 0.438312 0.748710 0.452050 0.603771
39 2006-01-23 30007094 23054615 14908703 14817159.0 308 Conservative Party of Canada 308 5374071.0 #6495ED 124.0 0.362692 0.402597 0.768305 0.493789 0.642698
40 2008-10-14 31612897 23677639 13929093 13834294.0 308 Conservative Party of Canada 307 5209069.0 #6495ED 143.0 0.376533 0.464286 0.748987 0.437616 0.584277
41 2011-05-02 33476688 24257592 14823408 14723980.0 308 Conservative Party of Canada 307 5835270.0 #6495ED 166.0 0.396311 0.538961 0.724611 0.439828 0.606984
42 2015-10-19 33476688 25939742 17711983 17591468.0 338 Liberal 338 6942937.0 #EA6D6A 184.0 0.394676 0.544379 0.774860 0.525484 0.678167


In [5]:
display(select_by_index(ridings, {"Riding": ["HALIFAX"], "Election": [*range(40, 42 + 1)]}))
Election: Date Population Registered Seats Ballots (Valid) Ballots (Rejected) Elected: Name Elected: Party Party: Color Elected: Ballots
Election Province Riding
40 Nova Scotia HALIFAX 2008-10-14 89448.0 74717.0 1 45098.0 230.0 LESLIE, Megan New Democratic Party #F4A460 19252.0
41 Nova Scotia HALIFAX 2011-05-02 89448.0 73357.0 1 45987.0 241.0 LESLIE, Megan New Democratic Party #F4A460 23746.0
42 Nova Scotia HALIFAX 2015-10-19 92643.0 73379.0 1 53032.0 259.0 FILLMORE, Andy Liberal #EA6D6A 27431.0


In [6]:
display(select_by_index(candidates[candidates["Ballot %"] > .01], {
    "Election": [42],
    "Riding": ["VANCOUVER QUADRA"],
Election: Date Party Party: Color Riding: Population Riding: Registered Riding: Ballots (Valid) Ballots Elected Acclaimed Ballots (Fractional) Ballot %
Election Province Riding Candidate
42 British Columbia VANCOUVER QUADRA ANDREWS, Scott 2015-10-19 New Democratic Party #F4A460 102416.0 76038.0 52972.0 5748.0 False False 5748.0 0.108510
CONSTABLE, Kris 2015-10-19 Green Party of Canada #99C955 102416.0 76038.0 52972.0 2229.0 False False 2229.0 0.042079
LOCKHART, Blair 2015-10-19 Conservative Party of Canada #6495ED 102416.0 76038.0 52972.0 13683.0 False False 13683.0 0.258306
MURRAY, Joyce 2015-10-19 Liberal #EA6D6A 102416.0 76038.0 52972.0 31102.0 True False 31102.0 0.587140


In [7]:
    parties[parties["Seats"] > 0],
    {"Election": [42]},
Election: Date Candidates Ballots Color Seats Seat % Vote % Seat % - Vote % Seat % / Vote %
Election Party
42 Bloc Québécois 2015-10-19 78 821144.0 #87CEFA 10.0 0.029586 0.046679 -0.017093 0.633820
Conservative Party of Canada 2015-10-19 338 5613633.0 #6495ED 99.0 0.292899 0.319111 -0.026212 0.917860
Green Party of Canada 2015-10-19 336 602933.0 #99C955 1.0 0.002959 0.034274 -0.031316 0.086321
Liberal 2015-10-19 338 6942937.0 #EA6D6A 184.0 0.544379 0.394676 0.149702 1.379304
New Democratic Party 2015-10-19 338 3469368.0 #F4A460 44.0 0.130178 0.197219 -0.067041 0.660066

Other data types

A fair amount of further data is stored in this dataset. Photos for MPs, links to Wikipedia pages, bill titles, etc. If there's more data you'd like to see, send me an email at bradbeattie@gmail.com.

In [8]:
for models in parliament_models, election_models, proceeding_models:
    print(", ".join(sorted(
        str(getattr(models, model_name)._meta.verbose_name_plural.title())
        for model_name in dir(models)
        if isinstance(getattr(models, model_name), ModelBase)
        and not getattr(models, model_name)._meta.abstract
Parliamentarians, Parliaments, Parties, Provinces, Ridings, Sessions
By Elections, Election Candidates, Election Ridings, General Elections
Bills, Committees, Hansard Blocks, House Vote Participants, House Votes, Recordings, Sittings
In [9]:
df = parties
df = df.reset_index()
df = df[(df["Party"] != "Independent")]
g = sns.regplot(x="Vote %", y="Seat % - Vote %", data=df, order=3)
g.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((-1, -1), 2, 1, alpha=0.05, facecolor="black"))
g.set_xticklabels(['{:3.0f}%'.format(x * 100) for x in g.get_xticks()])
g.set_yticklabels(['{:3.0f}%'.format(y * 100) for y in g.get_yticks()]);

How has the registered voting population and voter turnout changed over time?

In [10]:
df = elections
plot = df.plot(x="Date", y=[
    "Registered / Population",
    "Ballots / Population",
    "Ballots / Registered",
], drawstyle="steps-post")
plot.set(ylim=(0, 1));
plot.set_yticklabels(['{:3.0f}%'.format(y * 100) for y in plot.get_yticks()]);

Which parties have held power and which majorities have been false?

In [11]:
df = elections
df["Kind"] = np.where(df["Party: Seat %"] < 0.5, "minority", np.where(df["Party: Ballot %"] < 0.5, "false majority", "majority"))
kind_colors = { "minority": "purple", "majority": "purple", "false majority": "magenta"}
df["Party: Seat % - Ballot %"] = df["Party: Seat %"] - df["Party: Ballot %"]
plot = df.plot(
    y=['Party: Ballot %', 'Party: Seat % - Ballot %'],
        list(df["Party: Color"]),
        [kind_colors.get(kind) for kind in df["Kind"]]

plot.set_yticklabels(['{:3.0f}%'.format(y * 100) for y in plot.get_yticks()]);
plot.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((-1, -1), len(df) + 1, 1.5, alpha=0.1, facecolor="black"));

Do ridings with more registered voters prefer certain parties?

In [12]:
df = select_by_index(candidates, {"Election": 42})
df = df[df["Elected"]]
df["Riding: Registered Ratio"] = df["Riding: Registered"] / df["Riding: Population"]
plot = df.plot(kind="scatter", x="Riding: Registered Ratio", y="Ballots", c=df["Party: Color"]);

How much overlap is there in winning ballot percentages per party?

In [13]:
from_year = 2000
df = select_by_index(candidates, {"Election": [*range(38, 42 + 1)]})
dfilters = (
    ("Lib", df["Party"] == "Liberal"),
    ("Cons", df["Party"] == "Conservative Party of Canada"),
    ("NDP", df["Party"] == "New Democratic Party"),
    ("Green", df["Party"] == "Green Party of Canada"),
    ("BQ", df["Party"] == "Bloc Québécois"),
for name, dfilter in dfilters:
    df2 = df[dfilter]
    sns.set_palette(sns.color_palette(["grey", df2[df2["Elected"] == True]["Party: Color"].iloc[-1]]))
    g = sns.lmplot(
        x="Ballot %",
        y="Riding: Ballots (Valid)",
        col="Election: Date",
    g.set(ylim=(0, None))
    g.set(xlim=(0.0, 1.0))
    for ax in g.axes.flatten():
        ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=6)
        ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: '{:3.0f}%'.format(x * 100)))