Party similarity by vote adherence to party lines

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.projections.polar import PolarAxes
from matplotlib.projections import register_projection
from IPython.display import display
from elections import models as election_models
from parliaments import models as parliament_models
from proceedings import models as proceeding_models
from django_extensions.db.fields.json import JSONDict
from collections import OrderedDict
from federal_common.sources import EN, FR
from django.db.models.base import ModelBase
from IPython.display import HTML
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import math
import numpy as np
import os

def columns_reorder_left(dataframe, columns):
    unmentioned = [column for column in dataframe.columns if column not in columns]
    dataframe = dataframe[columns + unmentioned]
    return dataframe

def columns_reorder_after(dataframe, pairs):
    columns = list(dataframe.columns)
    for left, right in pairs.items():
        columns.insert(columns.index(left) + 1, right)
    return dataframe[columns]

dataframe_json_mapper = {
    "government_party": "Library of Parliament, History of Federal Ridings",
    "party": "Library of Parliament, History of Federal Ridings",
    "province": "Library of Parliament, Province / Territory File",
    "riding": "Library of Parliament, History of Federal Ridings",
    "parliamentarian": "Library of Parliament, Parliament File",

def get_dataframe(qs, mapping, index=None):
    mapping = OrderedDict(mapping)
    qs = qs.objects.all() if isinstance(qs, ModelBase) else qs
    dataframe = pd.DataFrame(
            k: v.get(EN, {}).get(dataframe_json_mapper[k.split("__")[-2]], "") if isinstance(v, dict) else v
            for k, v in row_dict.items()
        for row_dict in qs.values(*[
            key[0] if isinstance(key, tuple) else key
            for key in mapping.keys()
    dataframe = columns_reorder_left(dataframe, list(mapping.keys()))
    dataframe.rename(columns=mapping, inplace=True)
    if index:
        dataframe = dataframe.set_index(index)
    dataframe = dataframe.sort_index()
    return dataframe

def select_by_index(dataframe, indexes):
    indexer = [slice(None)] * len(dataframe.index.names)
    for key, value in indexes.items():
        indexer[dataframe.index.names.index(key)] = value
    if len(indexer) > 1:
        return dataframe.loc[tuple(indexer), :]
        return dataframe.loc[tuple(indexer)]

def radar_factory(num_vars, frame='circle'):
    """Create a radar chart with `num_vars` axes."""
    # calculate evenly-spaced axis angles
    theta = 2 * np.pi * np.linspace(0, 1 - 1. / num_vars, num_vars)
    # rotate theta such that the first axis is at the top
    theta += np.pi / 2

    def draw_poly_frame(self, x0, y0, r):
        # TODO: use transforms to convert (x, y) to (r, theta)
        verts = [(r * np.cos(t) + x0, r * np.sin(t) + y0) for t in theta]
        return plt.Polygon(verts, closed=True, edgecolor='k')

    def draw_circle_frame(self, x0, y0, r):
        return plt.Circle((x0, y0), r)

    frame_dict = {'polygon': draw_poly_frame, 'circle': draw_circle_frame}
    if frame not in frame_dict:
        raise ValueError('unknown value for `frame`: %s' % frame)

    class RadarAxes(PolarAxes):
        """Class for creating a radar chart (a.k.a. a spider or star chart)
        name = 'radar'
        # use 1 line segment to connect specified points
        RESOLUTION = 1
        # define draw_frame method
        draw_frame = frame_dict[frame]

        def fill(self, *args, **kwargs):
            """Override fill so that line is closed by default"""
            closed = kwargs.pop('closed', True)
            return super(RadarAxes, self).fill(closed=closed, *args, **kwargs)

        def plot(self, *args, **kwargs):
            """Override plot so that line is closed by default"""
            lines = super(RadarAxes, self).plot(*args, **kwargs)
            for line in lines:

        def _close_line(self, line):
            x, y = line.get_data()
            # FIXME: markers at x[0], y[0] get doubled-up
            if x[0] != x[-1]:
                x = np.concatenate((x, [x[0]]))
                y = np.concatenate((y, [y[0]]))
                line.set_data(x, y)

        def set_varlabels(self, labels):
            self.set_thetagrids(theta * 180 / np.pi, labels)

        def _gen_axes_patch(self):
            x0, y0 = (0.5, 0.5)
            r = 0.5
            return self.draw_frame(x0, y0, r)

    return theta

def display_toggler(button="Click to toggle"):
    return HTML("""
            function toggle_cell(event) {{
                $(event ? : ".toggler")
                    .toggle(event ? undefined : false)
            $(document).ready(setTimeout(toggle_cell, 0))
        <p><button class="toggler" onClick="javascript:toggle_cell(event)">{}</button></p>

display_toggler("Click to toggle the display the initializing scripts")

In [2]:
elections = get_dataframe(election_models.GeneralElection, {
    "number": "Election",
    "date": "Date",
    "population": "Population",
    "registered": "Registered",
    "ballots_total": "Ballots (Total)",
    "parliament__seats": "Seats",
    "parliament__government_party__names": "Party",
}, ["Election"])
elections['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(elections['Date'])  # TODO: Why isn't this happening automatically?
ridings = get_dataframe(election_models.ElectionRiding.objects.filter(general_election__isnull=False), {
    "general_election__number": "Election",
    "general_election__date": "Election: Date",
    "riding__province__names": "Province",
    "riding__names": "Riding",
    "population": "Population",
    "registered": "Registered",
    "ballots_rejected": "Ballots (Rejected)"
}, ["Election", "Province", "Riding"])
ridings['Election: Date'] = pd.to_datetime(ridings['Election: Date'])
candidates = get_dataframe(election_models.ElectionCandidate.objects.filter(election_riding__general_election__isnull=False), {
    "election_riding__general_election__number": "Election",
    "election_riding__general_election__date": "Election: Date",
    "election_riding__riding__province__names": "Province",
    "election_riding__riding__names": "Riding",
    "name": "Candidate",
    "party__names": "Party",
    "party__color": "Party: Color",
    "election_riding__population": "Riding: Population",
    "election_riding__registered": "Riding: Registered",
    "ballots": "Ballots",
    "elected": "Elected",
    "acclaimed": "Acclaimed",
}, ["Election", "Province", "Riding", "Candidate"])
candidates['Election: Date'] = pd.to_datetime(candidates['Election: Date'])
house_vote_participants = get_dataframe(proceeding_models.HouseVoteParticipant.objects.all(), {
    "house_vote__sitting__session__parliament__number": "Parliament",
    "house_vote__sitting__session__number": "Session",
    "house_vote__sitting__number": "Sitting",
    "house_vote__number": "Vote",
    "party__names": "Party",
    "parliamentarian__names": "Parliamentarian",
    "recorded_vote": "Parliamentarian: Vote",
}, ["Parliament", "Session", "Sitting", "Vote", "Party", "Parliamentarian"])
house_vote_participants = house_vote_participants.reset_index().fillna("Independent").set_index(house_vote_participants.index.names)

# Some ridings historically had two seats (Halifax, Victoria, etc). For the purposes of
# calculating voter turnout, we need to define a fractional ballot where a voter's single
# ballot is split in half between two candidates.
ridings = ridings.join(candidates[candidates["Elected"] | candidates["Acclaimed"]].reset_index().groupby(ridings.index.names)["Candidate"].count().to_frame())
ridings = ridings.rename(columns={"Candidate": "Seats"})
candidates = candidates.reset_index().set_index(ridings.index.names).join(ridings["Seats"]).reset_index().set_index(candidates.index.names)
candidates["Ballots (Fractional)"] = candidates["Ballots"] / candidates["Seats"]
del candidates["Seats"]

parties = candidates.reset_index().groupby(["Election", "Party"]).agg({
    "Election: Date": "first",
    'Candidate': 'count',
    'Ballots (Fractional)': 'sum',
    'Elected': 'sum',
    'Acclaimed': 'sum',
    'Party: Color': 'first',
    'Candidate': 'Candidates',
    'Ballots (Fractional)': 'Ballots',
    "Party: Color": "Color",
parties["Seats"] = parties["Elected"] + parties["Acclaimed"]
del parties["Elected"]
del parties["Acclaimed"]

# Augment elections with winning party data
elections = elections.reset_index().set_index(parties.index.names).join(parties, rsuffix=" (Party)").reset_index().set_index(elections.index.names).rename(columns={
    'Candidates': 'Party: Candidates',
    'Ballots': 'Party: Ballots',
    'Color': 'Party: Color',
    'Seats (Party)': "Party: Seats",
del elections["Election: Date"]
elections = columns_reorder_after(elections, {
    "Seats": "Party",

# Copy valid ballots per candidate up to the ridings level
ridings = ridings.join(candidates.reset_index().groupby(ridings.index.names)["Ballots (Fractional)"].sum().to_frame())
ridings = ridings.rename(columns={"Ballots (Fractional)": "Ballots (Valid)"})
ridings = columns_reorder_after(ridings, {"Ballots (Valid)": "Ballots (Rejected)"})

# Copy winning candidate up to the ridings level
ridings_winning_parties = candidates[candidates["Elected"] == True].reset_index().set_index(ridings.index.names)
ridings = ridings.join(ridings_winning_parties[["Candidate", "Party", "Party: Color", "Ballots"]])
ridings = ridings.rename(columns={
    "Candidate": "Elected: Name",
    "Ballots": "Elected: Ballots",
    "Party": "Elected: Party",
    "Color": "Elected: Color",

# Copy valid ballots per riding back down to the ridings level
candidates = candidates.reset_index().set_index(ridings.index.names).join(
    ridings.reset_index().groupby(ridings.index.names).agg({"Ballots (Valid)": "first"})
candidates = columns_reorder_after(candidates, {"Riding: Registered": "Ballots (Valid)"})
candidates = candidates.rename(columns={
    "Ballots (Valid)": "Riding: Ballots (Valid)",

# Copy valid ballots per riding up to the elections level
elections_ballot_sums = ridings.reset_index().groupby(ridings.index.names).agg({"Ballots (Valid)": "first"}).reset_index().groupby(["Election"])["Ballots (Valid)"].sum().to_frame()
elections = elections.join(elections_ballot_sums)
elections = columns_reorder_after(elections, {"Ballots (Total)": "Ballots (Valid)"})

# Augment parties with election level data
elections["Party: Ballot %"] = elections["Party: Ballots"] / elections["Ballots (Valid)"]
elections["Party: Seat %"] = elections["Party: Seats"] / elections["Seats"]
parties["Seat %"] = parties["Seats"] / elections["Seats"]
parties["Vote %"] = parties["Ballots"] / elections["Ballots (Valid)"]
parties["Seat % - Vote %"] = parties["Seat %"] - parties["Vote %"]
parties["Seat % / Vote %"] = parties["Seat %"] / parties["Vote %"]
candidates["Ballot %"] = candidates["Ballots"] / candidates["Riding: Ballots (Valid)"]

display_toggler("Click to toggle the display the data initialization")

Which parliamentarians stray from or adhere to party lines the most?

In [8]:
def get_mp_similarity(df, parliament=None):
    top5 = df.reset_index()
    if parliament:
        top5 = top5[top5["Parliament"] == parliament]
    per_party_per_vote = top5[top5["Party"].isin((
        "Conservative Party of Canada",
        "New Democratic Party",
        "Bloc Québécois",
        ["Parliament", "Session", "Sitting", "Vote", "Parliamentarian: Vote", "Party"],
    )["Parliamentarian: Vote"].count().to_frame().rename(columns={"Parliamentarian: Vote": "Count"})
    per_party_per_vote = per_party_per_vote.unstack(fill_value=0)   
    per_party = top5.reset_index().groupby(
        ["Parliament", "Session", "Sitting", "Vote", "Party"],
    )["Party"].count().to_frame().rename(columns={"Party": "Total"}).unstack().fillna(100000)

    df3 = per_party_per_vote.unstack(fill_value=0).stack().reset_index()
    df1 = per_party.reset_index()
    df2 = df1
    while len(df2) < len(df3):
        df2 = df2.append(df1)
    df2 = df2.sort_values(
        ["Parliament", "Session", "Sitting", "Vote"],
    df2.index = range(len(df2))

    assert len(df3) == len(df2)
    ratio = (df3["Count"] / df2["Total"]).fillna(0)
    ratio.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['Ratio'], ratio.columns])

    df3[ratio.columns] = ratio
    del df3["Count"]
    vote_ratios = df3

    import warnings
    warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=UserWarning)

    df1 = top5.reset_index()
    dfs = []
    for row in list(df1.groupby(["Parliamentarian"]).agg({
        "Parliamentarian": "first",
        parliamentarian = row[0]
        dfp = df1[df1["Parliamentarian"] == parliamentarian]
        dfp = pd.merge(dfp, vote_ratios, on=["Parliament", "Session", "Sitting", "Vote", "Parliamentarian: Vote"], how='inner')
        del dfp["Parliamentarian: Vote"]
        dfg = dfp.groupby(["Parliament", "Session", "Parliamentarian", "Party"]).agg({
            ("Ratio", "Bloc Québécois"): "mean",
            ("Ratio", "Conservative Party of Canada"): "mean",
            #("Ratio", "Green Party of Canada"): "mean",
            ("Ratio", "Liberal"): "mean",
            ("Ratio", "New Democratic Party"): "mean",
        }).reset_index().set_index(["Parliament", "Session"])

    mp_party_similarity = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
    return mp_party_similarity

mp_party_similarity = get_mp_similarity(house_vote_participants, 42)
spoke_labels = mp_party_similarity.columns.levels[1].values[0:4]
theta = radar_factory(len(spoke_labels))

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,20))
# adjust spacing around the subplots
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.25, hspace=0.20, top=0.85, bottom=0.05)
title_list = ['Party Similarity']

rows = []
colors = []
for index, row in mp_party_similarity.iterrows():
    name, party, *values = row
        color = select_by_index(parties, {"Election": [42], "Party": party})["Color"][0]
        color = "#666666"

data = {'Party Similarity': rows}
radial_grid = [2., 4., 6., 8.]
for n, title in enumerate(title_list):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, n + 1, projection='radar')
    ax.set_title(title, weight='bold', size='medium', position=(0.5, 1.1),
                 horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')
    for d, color in zip(data[title], colors):
        ax.plot(theta, d, color=color)

# TODO: Augment to show per parliament and perhaps broken down by committee source

MPs most like and least like other parties

In [6]:
df = mp_party_similarity.reset_index()
for source in mp_party_similarity.columns.levels[1].values[0:5]:
    if not source:
    if source == "Green Party of Canada":
    for target in mp_party_similarity.columns.levels[1].values[0:5]:
        if target:
            display(HTML("""<h3>{} MPs</h3>""".format(source)))
            display(HTML("""<h4>Most like {}</h4>""".format(target)))
            display(df[df["Party"] == source].sort_values(("Ratio", target), ascending=False).head(5))
            display(HTML("""<h4>Least like {}</h4>""".format(target)))
            display(df[df["Party"] == source].sort_values(("Ratio", target)).head(5))

Bloc Québécois MPs

Most like Bloc Québécois

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
127 127 Gill, Marilène Bloc Québécois 0.995303 0.594902 0.403282 0.847793
115 115 Fortin, Rhéal Bloc Québécois 0.994130 0.600167 0.387732 0.866968
43 43 Boudrias, Michel Bloc Québécois 0.993817 0.596812 0.394563 0.854275
246 246 Pauzé, Monique Bloc Québécois 0.993767 0.623028 0.390402 0.838343
24 24 Beaulieu, Mario Bloc Québécois 0.993659 0.624024 0.385060 0.846614

Least like Bloc Québécois

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
313 313 Thériault, Luc Bloc Québécois 0.991303 0.589366 0.383196 0.847200
201 201 Marcil, Simon Bloc Québécois 0.991628 0.594862 0.393530 0.851836
304 304 Ste-Marie, Gabriel Bloc Québécois 0.991877 0.599383 0.387527 0.843359
252 252 Plamondon, Louis Bloc Québécois 0.993146 0.598055 0.382977 0.855631
22 22 Barsalou-Duval, Xavier Bloc Québécois 0.993331 0.598864 0.398796 0.834122

Bloc Québécois MPs

Most like Conservative Party of Canada

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
24 24 Beaulieu, Mario Bloc Québécois 0.993659 0.624024 0.385060 0.846614
246 246 Pauzé, Monique Bloc Québécois 0.993767 0.623028 0.390402 0.838343
115 115 Fortin, Rhéal Bloc Québécois 0.994130 0.600167 0.387732 0.866968
304 304 Ste-Marie, Gabriel Bloc Québécois 0.991877 0.599383 0.387527 0.843359
22 22 Barsalou-Duval, Xavier Bloc Québécois 0.993331 0.598864 0.398796 0.834122

Least like Conservative Party of Canada

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
313 313 Thériault, Luc Bloc Québécois 0.991303 0.589366 0.383196 0.847200
201 201 Marcil, Simon Bloc Québécois 0.991628 0.594862 0.393530 0.851836
127 127 Gill, Marilène Bloc Québécois 0.995303 0.594902 0.403282 0.847793
43 43 Boudrias, Michel Bloc Québécois 0.993817 0.596812 0.394563 0.854275
252 252 Plamondon, Louis Bloc Québécois 0.993146 0.598055 0.382977 0.855631

Bloc Québécois MPs

Most like Liberal

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
127 127 Gill, Marilène Bloc Québécois 0.995303 0.594902 0.403282 0.847793
22 22 Barsalou-Duval, Xavier Bloc Québécois 0.993331 0.598864 0.398796 0.834122
43 43 Boudrias, Michel Bloc Québécois 0.993817 0.596812 0.394563 0.854275
201 201 Marcil, Simon Bloc Québécois 0.991628 0.594862 0.393530 0.851836
246 246 Pauzé, Monique Bloc Québécois 0.993767 0.623028 0.390402 0.838343

Least like Liberal

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
252 252 Plamondon, Louis Bloc Québécois 0.993146 0.598055 0.382977 0.855631
313 313 Thériault, Luc Bloc Québécois 0.991303 0.589366 0.383196 0.847200
24 24 Beaulieu, Mario Bloc Québécois 0.993659 0.624024 0.385060 0.846614
304 304 Ste-Marie, Gabriel Bloc Québécois 0.991877 0.599383 0.387527 0.843359
115 115 Fortin, Rhéal Bloc Québécois 0.994130 0.600167 0.387732 0.866968

Bloc Québécois MPs

Most like New Democratic Party

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
115 115 Fortin, Rhéal Bloc Québécois 0.994130 0.600167 0.387732 0.866968
252 252 Plamondon, Louis Bloc Québécois 0.993146 0.598055 0.382977 0.855631
43 43 Boudrias, Michel Bloc Québécois 0.993817 0.596812 0.394563 0.854275
201 201 Marcil, Simon Bloc Québécois 0.991628 0.594862 0.393530 0.851836
127 127 Gill, Marilène Bloc Québécois 0.995303 0.594902 0.403282 0.847793

Least like New Democratic Party

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
22 22 Barsalou-Duval, Xavier Bloc Québécois 0.993331 0.598864 0.398796 0.834122
246 246 Pauzé, Monique Bloc Québécois 0.993767 0.623028 0.390402 0.838343
304 304 Ste-Marie, Gabriel Bloc Québécois 0.991877 0.599383 0.387527 0.843359
24 24 Beaulieu, Mario Bloc Québécois 0.993659 0.624024 0.385060 0.846614
313 313 Thériault, Luc Bloc Québécois 0.991303 0.589366 0.383196 0.847200

Conservative Party of Canada MPs

Most like Bloc Québécois

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
28 28 Benzen, Bob Conservative Party of Canada 0.700242 0.983881 0.260049 0.619108
168 168 Kusie, Stephanie Conservative Party of Canada 0.691898 0.984553 0.269924 0.613495
227 227 Motz, Glen Conservative Party of Canada 0.671376 0.992935 0.268213 0.648059
179 179 Lebel, Denis Conservative Party of Canada 0.621998 0.977755 0.232666 0.606615
232 232 Nater, John Conservative Party of Canada 0.621190 0.985216 0.245439 0.619428

Least like Bloc Québécois

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
144 144 Hillyer, Jim Conservative Party of Canada 0.111111 1.000000 0.111111 0.000000
141 141 Harper, Stephen Conservative Party of Canada 0.493827 0.983510 0.172938 0.472443
240 240 Obhrai, Deepak Conservative Party of Canada 0.504386 0.938940 0.210841 0.571192
284 284 Scheer, Andrew Conservative Party of Canada 0.505906 0.982083 0.257992 0.516169
239 239 O'Toole, Erin Conservative Party of Canada 0.506328 0.987619 0.242821 0.480514

Conservative Party of Canada MPs

Most like Conservative Party of Canada

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
144 144 Hillyer, Jim Conservative Party of Canada 0.111111 1.000000 0.111111 0.000000
227 227 Motz, Glen Conservative Party of Canada 0.671376 0.992935 0.268213 0.648059
182 182 Leitch, K. Kellie Conservative Party of Canada 0.589601 0.991079 0.223718 0.589610
109 109 Finley, Diane Conservative Party of Canada 0.566096 0.988386 0.287110 0.578697
145 145 Hoback, Randy Conservative Party of Canada 0.594288 0.987854 0.232581 0.587073

Least like Conservative Party of Canada

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
240 240 Obhrai, Deepak Conservative Party of Canada 0.504386 0.938940 0.210841 0.571192
65 65 Chong, Michael D. Conservative Party of Canada 0.545603 0.948453 0.309999 0.576489
163 163 Kent, Peter Conservative Party of Canada 0.611121 0.953199 0.255865 0.614080
42 42 Boucher, Sylvie Conservative Party of Canada 0.612389 0.959035 0.249876 0.607387
303 303 Stanton, Bruce Conservative Party of Canada 0.597134 0.965346 0.272120 0.594439

Conservative Party of Canada MPs

Most like Liberal

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
65 65 Chong, Michael D. Conservative Party of Canada 0.545603 0.948453 0.309999 0.576489
30 30 Bernier, Maxime Conservative Party of Canada 0.528101 0.975117 0.294095 0.511536
109 109 Finley, Diane Conservative Party of Canada 0.566096 0.988386 0.287110 0.578697
198 198 Maguire, Larry Conservative Party of Canada 0.584542 0.979114 0.278775 0.571928
31 31 Berthold, Luc Conservative Party of Canada 0.584693 0.973474 0.272579 0.589063

Least like Liberal

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
144 144 Hillyer, Jim Conservative Party of Canada 0.111111 1.000000 0.111111 0.000000
162 162 Kenney, Jason Conservative Party of Canada 0.511111 0.975028 0.137055 0.504062
141 141 Harper, Stephen Conservative Party of Canada 0.493827 0.983510 0.172938 0.472443
38 38 Blaney, Steven Conservative Party of Canada 0.592397 0.973573 0.183218 0.583501
331 331 Watts, Dianne Conservative Party of Canada 0.610335 0.983217 0.210112 0.612265

Conservative Party of Canada MPs

Most like New Democratic Party

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
227 227 Motz, Glen Conservative Party of Canada 0.671376 0.992935 0.268213 0.648059
129 129 Godin, Joël Conservative Party of Canada 0.618229 0.976672 0.237334 0.631828
232 232 Nater, John Conservative Party of Canada 0.621190 0.985216 0.245439 0.619428
28 28 Benzen, Bob Conservative Party of Canada 0.700242 0.983881 0.260049 0.619108
163 163 Kent, Peter Conservative Party of Canada 0.611121 0.953199 0.255865 0.614080

Least like New Democratic Party

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
144 144 Hillyer, Jim Conservative Party of Canada 0.111111 1.000000 0.111111 0.000000
141 141 Harper, Stephen Conservative Party of Canada 0.493827 0.983510 0.172938 0.472443
239 239 O'Toole, Erin Conservative Party of Canada 0.506328 0.987619 0.242821 0.480514
162 162 Kenney, Jason Conservative Party of Canada 0.511111 0.975028 0.137055 0.504062
30 30 Bernier, Maxime Conservative Party of Canada 0.528101 0.975117 0.294095 0.511536

Liberal MPs

Most like Bloc Québécois

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
52 52 Bélanger, Mauril Liberal 0.650000 0.106471 1.000000 0.750000
277 277 Sajjan, Harjit Singh Liberal 0.426156 0.266091 0.978805 0.442571
137 137 Hajdu, Patricia Liberal 0.415947 0.269278 0.976904 0.422462
102 102 Erskine-Smith, Nathaniel Liberal 0.414906 0.230091 0.898201 0.495872
142 142 Harvey, Thomas J. Liberal 0.410905 0.298526 0.966073 0.455277

Least like Bloc Québécois

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
119 119 Freeland, Chrystia Liberal 0.308140 0.252980 0.930108 0.366379
234 234 Ng, Mary Liberal 0.319385 0.242696 0.997529 0.380637
171 171 Lambropoulos, Emmanuella Liberal 0.325278 0.158316 0.997411 0.423054
113 113 Foote, Judy Liberal 0.330896 0.190609 0.800324 0.358828
114 114 Fortier, Mona Liberal 0.333565 0.258473 0.997580 0.372707

Liberal MPs

Most like Conservative Party of Canada

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
142 142 Harvey, Thomas J. Liberal 0.410905 0.298526 0.966073 0.455277
63 63 Chan, Arnold Liberal 0.399267 0.286194 0.957838 0.436922
270 270 Rota, Anthony Liberal 0.371912 0.275894 0.962107 0.430911
213 213 McKay, John Liberal 0.389711 0.275083 0.973684 0.438354
64 64 Chen, Shaun Liberal 0.364133 0.274603 0.978419 0.427986

Least like Conservative Party of Canada

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
52 52 Bélanger, Mauril Liberal 0.650000 0.106471 1.000000 0.750000
316 316 Tootoo, Hunter Liberal 0.402985 0.136854 0.996621 0.400016
171 171 Lambropoulos, Emmanuella Liberal 0.325278 0.158316 0.997411 0.423054
113 113 Foote, Judy Liberal 0.330896 0.190609 0.800324 0.358828
77 77 DeCourcey, Matt Liberal 0.366905 0.221796 0.978736 0.374758

Liberal MPs

Most like Liberal

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
52 52 Bélanger, Mauril Liberal 0.650000 0.106471 1.000000 0.750000
114 114 Fortier, Mona Liberal 0.333565 0.258473 0.997580 0.372707
234 234 Ng, Mary Liberal 0.319385 0.242696 0.997529 0.380637
171 171 Lambropoulos, Emmanuella Liberal 0.325278 0.158316 0.997411 0.423054
316 316 Tootoo, Hunter Liberal 0.402985 0.136854 0.996621 0.400016

Least like Liberal

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
113 113 Foote, Judy Liberal 0.330896 0.190609 0.800324 0.358828
102 102 Erskine-Smith, Nathaniel Liberal 0.414906 0.230091 0.898201 0.495872
119 119 Freeland, Chrystia Liberal 0.308140 0.252980 0.930108 0.366379
243 243 Ouellette, Robert-Falcon Liberal 0.380117 0.260354 0.939897 0.448485
241 241 Oliphant, Robert Liberal 0.354036 0.243742 0.956269 0.418351

Liberal MPs

Most like New Democratic Party

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
52 52 Bélanger, Mauril Liberal 0.650000 0.106471 1.000000 0.750000
102 102 Erskine-Smith, Nathaniel Liberal 0.414906 0.230091 0.898201 0.495872
142 142 Harvey, Thomas J. Liberal 0.410905 0.298526 0.966073 0.455277
296 296 Sikand, Gagan Liberal 0.392166 0.258538 0.976651 0.451782
243 243 Ouellette, Robert-Falcon Liberal 0.380117 0.260354 0.939897 0.448485

Least like New Democratic Party

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
92 92 Duncan, Kirsty Liberal 0.354285 0.235567 0.978704 0.357763
113 113 Foote, Judy Liberal 0.330896 0.190609 0.800324 0.358828
247 247 Peschisolido, Joe Liberal 0.348697 0.226368 0.980533 0.361524
119 119 Freeland, Chrystia Liberal 0.308140 0.252980 0.930108 0.366379
155 155 Joly, Mélanie Liberal 0.352019 0.224959 0.980156 0.370388

New Democratic Party MPs

Most like Bloc Québécois

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
228 228 Mulcair, Thomas J. New Democratic Party 0.841700 0.573265 0.416328 0.987914
44 44 Boulerice, Alexandre New Democratic Party 0.839472 0.604825 0.382899 0.983131
85 85 Donnelly, Fin New Democratic Party 0.836285 0.617598 0.409498 0.988211
274 274 Saganash, Romeo New Democratic Party 0.836122 0.592415 0.415691 0.987319
138 138 Hardcastle, Cheryl New Democratic Party 0.834909 0.561111 0.397166 0.990005

Least like Bloc Québécois

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
224 224 Moore, Christine New Democratic Party 0.596574 0.407402 0.290188 0.737651
154 154 Jolibois, Georgina New Democratic Party 0.772102 0.577917 0.480632 0.982112
199 199 Malcolmson, Sheila New Democratic Party 0.807995 0.578492 0.422353 0.983669
15 15 Ashton, Niki New Democratic Party 0.808979 0.533219 0.464362 0.993661
259 259 Rankin, Murray New Democratic Party 0.809195 0.567030 0.433492 0.984941

New Democratic Party MPs

Most like Conservative Party of Canada

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
72 72 Cullen, Nathan New Democratic Party 0.820685 0.637840 0.380529 0.990825
334 334 Weir, Erin New Democratic Party 0.814309 0.625372 0.389292 0.978216
85 85 Donnelly, Fin New Democratic Party 0.836285 0.617598 0.409498 0.988211
27 27 Benson, Sheri New Democratic Party 0.820668 0.609792 0.406962 0.987868
44 44 Boulerice, Alexandre New Democratic Party 0.839472 0.604825 0.382899 0.983131

Least like Conservative Party of Canada

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
224 224 Moore, Christine New Democratic Party 0.596574 0.407402 0.290188 0.737651
15 15 Ashton, Niki New Democratic Party 0.808979 0.533219 0.464362 0.993661
204 204 Mathyssen, Irene New Democratic Party 0.821465 0.540784 0.433538 0.991321
159 159 Julian, Peter New Democratic Party 0.810097 0.544003 0.449215 0.989812
11 11 Angus, Charlie New Democratic Party 0.821094 0.551730 0.422999 0.984549

New Democratic Party MPs

Most like Liberal

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
154 154 Jolibois, Georgina New Democratic Party 0.772102 0.577917 0.480632 0.982112
15 15 Ashton, Niki New Democratic Party 0.808979 0.533219 0.464362 0.993661
159 159 Julian, Peter New Democratic Party 0.810097 0.544003 0.449215 0.989812
319 319 Trudel, Karine New Democratic Party 0.815946 0.559866 0.442257 0.985305
93 93 Duncan, Linda Francis New Democratic Party 0.822461 0.589468 0.436305 0.983280

Least like Liberal

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
224 224 Moore, Christine New Democratic Party 0.596574 0.407402 0.290188 0.737651
72 72 Cullen, Nathan New Democratic Party 0.820685 0.637840 0.380529 0.990825
44 44 Boulerice, Alexandre New Democratic Party 0.839472 0.604825 0.382899 0.983131
334 334 Weir, Erin New Democratic Party 0.814309 0.625372 0.389292 0.978216
195 195 MacGregor, Alistair New Democratic Party 0.817638 0.604644 0.396788 0.982683

New Democratic Party MPs

Most like New Democratic Party

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
15 15 Ashton, Niki New Democratic Party 0.808979 0.533219 0.464362 0.993661
56 56 Caron, Guy New Democratic Party 0.826356 0.552667 0.433605 0.993299
204 204 Mathyssen, Irene New Democratic Party 0.821465 0.540784 0.433538 0.991321
72 72 Cullen, Nathan New Democratic Party 0.820685 0.637840 0.380529 0.990825
138 138 Hardcastle, Cheryl New Democratic Party 0.834909 0.561111 0.397166 0.990005

Least like New Democratic Party

index Parliamentarian Party Ratio
Bloc Québécois Conservative Party of Canada Liberal New Democratic Party
224 224 Moore, Christine New Democratic Party 0.596574 0.407402 0.290188 0.737651
334 334 Weir, Erin New Democratic Party 0.814309 0.625372 0.389292 0.978216
35 35 Blaikie, Daniel New Democratic Party 0.813375 0.601563 0.413172 0.979177
76 76 Davies, Don New Democratic Party 0.816633 0.599619 0.425508 0.980779
154 154 Jolibois, Georgina New Democratic Party 0.772102 0.577917 0.480632 0.982112